Name: Yǐbāng Mànsōng – gòng chá
Year: 2021
Weight: 1-249 grams, 250 grams, tong of 4×250 grams
Country of origin: China, Yunnan province
a pure forest mossy feeling going to sweet tones, instant aftertaste, a rich mouthfeel with distinctive wild tones, the feel of forest mountain is so apparent that one feels like in a forest where these leaves were picked, very pristine watery mouth feeling, a bit of smokiness appears, just right and good having the exact rural made puerh tea, the tea withstand 10+ brews and even around 15 it is very enjoyable
These tea cakes come from a state owned forest in a most sought after ancient six famous tea montains called Yibang. The leaves are picked from high pole tea trees that are old 40-50 years. These tea trees were never pruned so that they grow freely. The tea is grown on the part of the mountain that has rather difficult conditions to grow so that the tea leaves taste is thick and mouthful. The are is indeed ecological as it is accessible by 40 minutes motorbike drive from the nearest village.
The place Mansong is like very sought after tribute tea place called gong cha and more-or-less a kind of Lao Banzhang of Yibang mountain. The feel of tea is so amazing that you hardly get this from tea trees of the same age from other locations. This all proves that the place is very remote and the conditions for growth of tea trees is very difficult, shade by big forest trees and getting little light.
This is a revisit of this teas from 23 October 2024 as such tea is in a process of constant change and its current state could be very different from the time when it was fresh.
Názov: Yǐbāng Mànsōng – gòng chá
Rok: 2021
Hmotnosť: 1-249 gramov, 250 gramov, tong of 4×250 gramov
Krajina pôvodu: Čína, provincia Junnan
Mansong ’21 je zberaná s tyčových čajovníkov, to sú stromčeky čo nie sú strihané a rastú rovno do neba, čaj z tohto Mansong-u už nie je taká limonáda ale zase nie silné a tažké gušhu, pochádza z najcennejšej dediny v Yibang pohorí, žeby cisársky čaj?, je zberaný v štátnom lese čo je ťažké povedať čo to vlastne znamená, dá sa tam dostať na motorke od najbližšieho obydlia na motorke za 40 minút
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