Name: Gushu Gedeng ’24
Year: 2024, autumn
Weight: 200 grams pressed cake
Country of origin: China, Yunnan province
as I wrote in the first part [1] the first steep determines the whole experience and here it is the same, the earthiness and a strong taste with the first steep says these leaves come from a big tea trees with long long roots sucking all the nutritions out of the earth, the mouth is instantly coated with its unique thick taste, slightly like a dryness and slightly a kind of feeling after strong red wines, here the bitterness gets pretty strong, a noble bitternes of old trees, even the scent of lingering out of the teapot says, Hey this is not an ordinary ‘material’,
there is this very nice soft feeling after a mouth tea soup bath, soft and caressing, pleasing and tasty, a some part around 6th brew a suprising sweetness comes up like a candy with bitter liquor inside, when I think of this tea character it is a complete different experience to the Mansong from part 1, it’s like a princess of Mansong and the mature king of Gedeng, when we think of the three autumn teas, Yibang Mansong, Gedeng and Yiwu, all come from famous ancient six tea mountains, let’s see the part 3 to have the full picture of these three in a row,
you may proceed to the final, part [3]
a review notes from Alex blog here
Názov: Gushu Gedeng ’24
Rok: 2024 jeseň
Hmotnosť: 200 gramový lisovaný koláč
Krajina pôvodu: Čína, provincia Junnan
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