Content and size of the gaiwan:
100 ml (measured a bit under the brim),
diameter 8,3 cm, height 9,5 cm
About this piece:
A porcelain, thin walled, cracky glaze, a very special, used gaiwan. Used mainly with sheng puerh teas.
A elegant shape and fine walls make this piece rather unique, noble and pleasure to use and look at.
Each piece, a lid and the body has some Matteo’s own design elements. The lid nob, the base stand of the body. The most of the weight is at the base so it sits well on the table.
A note added by Matteo: I could add that it is not wheel thrown but hand beaten clay like in the traditional yixing style making. A real thin. I like to leave unfinished aspects as part the lid knob or the bottom. Here you have a self designed thin crazed glaze, tinted with the tea pigments and a real pleasant taste on water and tea! Another research that s coming out nice is the temperature profile: optimized refractory profile for not burning your fingers and brew solid liquor 🍵
It is nice using it, still you must have this gaiwan skill which is not hard to learn.
Matteo Riccardo Bosisio
Obsah a rozmery gajwanu:
100 ml (odmerané trocha pod vrchný okraj),
priemer 8,3 cm, výška 9,5 cm
O tomto kúsku:
Porcelánový gajwan, používaný (hlavne na šheng puerhy), tenkostený, s popraskanou glazúrou.
Elegatný tvar, jemné steny a pár nezvyčajný detailov prispievajú k tomu že je ho radosť používať a súčasne ho aj obdivovať.
Matteo Riccardo Bosisio
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