Content and size of the cup:
70 ml (measured a bit under the brim),
diameter (longest) 6,5 cm, height 4 cm
About this piece:
This piece walls are incedibly thin, its like pounded from metal, this cup shrinkage must have been maximum then comes only melted state. The porousity must be almost zero as the tea is mirror like clear (in terms of taste). The cup is pretty light too. At the bottom you may see a bigger pieces of melted something was removed, probably pouring on from a nearby other piece. Some part of the dark brown are so shiny clean as if it was a glass. The gold, green and yellowish waterfall is just eye catching.
Made in Swiss mountain village and woodfired in Toscany, Italy.
Matteo Riccardo Bosisio
Obsah a rozmery misky:
70 ml (odmerané trocha pod vrchný okraj),
priemer (najdlhší) 6,5 cm, výška 4 cm
O tomto kúsku:
Vysoko pálená miska v peci na drevo s krásne jagavým tmavo hnedým sfarbeným a žiarivý zlatastým vovopádom.
Výrobené v švajčiarskej horskej dedinke a drevom vypálene v Toskánsku, Taliansku.
Matteo Riccardo Bosisio
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