Content of the teapot: 100 ml
About this piece:
A great 100 militers, celadon porcelain woodfired teapot. The tea out of it is bright and clear that I would call a shiny tea.
Jiří Lang, an outstanding czech potter mainly woodfiring his ceramic works. His pieces caring an unique style that is futher evolving. The craftmanship of his pottery is on a high level and at the same time there is added to each piece something from his heart.
Check out this short movie about Jiri Lang.
Obsah čajníka:
100 ml
Porcelánová, drevom pálena, správnej veľkosti konvička alebo čajníček .
Jiří Lang, český keramik páliaci svoju keramiku zväčša drevom. Vynikajúci remeselník so svojim unikátnym štýlom vdychuje do každého svojho kúska trošku zo svojho srdca.
Pozrite si krátke video o Jiří Langovi.
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