Content of the teacup: 180 ml
About this piece:
A tenmoku glazed earthware woodfired tea bowl.
The dark brown glaze with the blue green strokes changing with each slight light change.
This bowl is exceptional, one of the whole batch, could be even used as a small chawan like bowl for matcha
Jiří Lang, an outstanding czech potter mainly woodfiring his ceramic works. His pieces caring an unique style that is futher evolving. The craftmanship of his pottery is on a high level and at the same time there is added to each piece something from his heart.
Check out this short movie about Jiri Lang.
Obsah šálky/misky :
180 ml
Drevom pálená, tenmoku glazúrovaná väčšia miska
Jiří Lang, český keramik páliaci svoju keramiku zväčša drevom. Vynikajúci remeselník so svojim unikátnym štýlom vdychuje do každého svojho kúska trošku zo svojho srdca.
Pozrite si krátke video o Jiří Langovi.
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