Name: dark Oolong tea ’22
Year: 2022 spring
Weight: loose
Sweet oolong baked taste, melow and smooth, like a well cooked Sunday cake, a baozhong taste comes up with this like roasted Tie Quan Yin tip on it, a strong scents and lingering aroma in the air, since last I first tasted it, its baking tones receded, caramel sugary baked scents makes senses to long for another cup. Stronger brews produces light fruity acidity ended with sweet oolongish aftertaste.
This tea I reserved with VeiAn already a year ago but I did not have a bigger order so that it was kept by this time in Thailand. I found this tea last year particulary good so that several people who tasted it. The taste of such tea is developing so that leaving it rest in his birthplace for a year would not “harm” it.
Názov: dark Oolong tea ’22
Rok: 2022, jar
Hmotnosť balenia: sypaný
Tento čaj som rezervoval už skoro pred rokom. Mal som vtedy v ponuke z neho necelé kilo a keďže mne a ďaľším chutil tak sa aj oplatilo na neho čakať. Chuť takéhoto čaju sa vyvíja tak vôbec nevadilo ho nechať ešte chvíľu postáť v jeho rodisku.
3 reviews for charcoal roasted Oolong tea ’22
I know how to brew it now and it is lovely! It is sweet, fruity, round, a deliciously "dark" flavour. It is like a warm, sweet black tea with some gorgeous oolong stewed notes. Thank you Peter!!!
I wish there were instructions for gong fu brewing. I tried gong fu brewing and I didn't get much flavour from the tea. I decided to try Chaozhou style brewing and I got more of the sweetness, minerality and gentle astringency from the tea. The tea offers a lovely mouthfeel.
Very clean and elegant experience, thank you for providing.